A Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) leads to multiple physical challenges. There is no treatment anywhere in the world. The best way to move ahead is to get good quality and timely rehabilitation.Many spinal cord injured persons who receive such rehabilitation lead independent, productive and dignified lives irrespective of whether they are from villages, towns or cities. A few examples – John Samuel, Naveen Iyer and Ketna Mehta – are featured here to assure you that a quality life is definitely possible.

So there is no need to lose heart. Use the support network that is being created by The Spinal Foundation to get the best possible guidance and support.
The Spinal Foundation Toll Free
1800 425 1210
The Spinal Foundation Mobile
0 94451 14848

Peer Network
Shivjeet Raghav (North) 0 9810198406
Suresh Krishna (South) 0 98404 95095
Shailesh Kumar (East) 0 95760 18055
Ketna Mehta (West) 0 97696 80820

[email protected]

क्वालिटी रिहैब सेंटर पृष्ठ

PMR Department, Christian Medical College (CMC)

इंडियन स्पाइनल इंज्यूरी सेंटर न्यू दिल्ली
नई दिल्ली

PMR Department. St John’s Medical College

What you must know
It is important for the person with spinal cord injury, his family and friends to understand clearly what this means for the future of the injured person as well as how to handle the immediate months till he gets to a quality rehabilitation centre. Please download and read Best Practices – New Injury for an overall view.
You could also access the New Injury module of the website of The Spinal Foundation at
