Year of inception – 2005

The Malayalam word Swasraya means “self-reliance”, and it represents the goal. It is not a very old or a very large institution, but it is founded on a great idea, viz., instilling a sense of self- worth and self reliance in spinal cord injured people by providing a secure and respectable environment for their recovery and rehabilitation after injury.

Swasraya aimed on holistic rehabilitation and comprehensive care for people with spinal paralysis, who, instead of feeling neglected and burdensome to the society, could be transformed into productive contributors to community.

The Goals of Swasraya

People rendered paraplegic are generally considered as consigned to a life of unrelieved dependence on others. Swasraya wanted to rewrite this conventional plot of the post-injury story. The founding and the continued functioning of Swasraya are based on the faith in the possibility of transforming their life from one of dependence to one of self reliance and positive contribution. We exploit the full potential of scientific techniques of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and counselling in achieving our goals.

Contact Person: Reji Abraham