Spinal Cord Injury day – 2022 REPORT

The Spinal Foundation extended an invitation to all its partners and other organisations to come together to commemorate the 7th World Spinal Cord Injury Day which is celebrated each year on the 5th of September. 

Based on positive responses we put together a bouquet of activities showcasing life and lives of persons with spinal cord injury through a mixed bag of visuals and webinars through the week starting 4th September 2022.

On the 4th, after a short inaugural, we spent an hour with Sweety Bagga who apprised us of a day in her life and also gave us an insight into the great work being done by her NGO IAmPossable.

On 6th September, Chandigarh Spinal Rehab took us through a journey around their centre and the innovative ways of therapy. We got to see some of their outdoor activities including adventure sports. The mixed bag showcased by them clearly brought out the importance of love in therapy.

On the 7th we spent an hour understanding the role and importance of the correct Assistive Devices in the life of a person with Spinal cord injury. IIT Madras made a comprehensive presentation for us about wheelchairs.

APD presented their multifarious activities which includes comprehensive rehab on the 8th; the most touching part of this deliberation was the fact that they primarily cater to the have nots.

The finale on the 9th was conducted by Spine Wellness and Care Foundation which had 4 panelists of repute and then brought to the fore the lives of the unsung heroes who don’t hit headlines but nevertheless carry on their life journey with grit determination and will power.

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