SPINE20 Summit 2023: A Comprehensive Report on Global Spine Care Advancements and Policy Recommendations

Disorders of the spine with its multiple pathologies and trauma are the number one cause of disability that put enormous burden on the economy, back ailments can lead to extreme pain, inability to function, and subsequently job loss.

Advocacy, education, and government policies are urgently needed in order to provide a value-based spine care where standardized practice based on best available evidence while controlling the health care cost.

SPINE20 is an advocacy group founded in 2019 by the Saudi Spine Society (SSS), EUROSPINE, the North American Spine Society (NASS) and the German Spine Society (DWG) in an effort to improve spine care on a global level through recommending policies in the G20 countries and beyond that help them alleviate the burden of spine disease through various means including stimulating better spine health, advance spine research, enhancing spine innovation pathways and improving spine care and treatments through polices and support from governments.

SPINE20 is a think tank that would also be in a position to provide governments with the expertise needed to improve spine care around the globe. developing a clear calendar of activities and form task-force groups to work on forming evidence-based policy recommendations.

The goal is to optimise spine care options for communities and patients worldwide by making recommendations to G20 members and Sherpas.

SPINE20 Summits are held just prior to the G20 summits; the first one was held in Riyadh in 2020. In 2021, and 2022 SPINE20 summits were held in Italy and in Bali. India hosted the Summit on 10th 11th August 2023.


Serve as resource
for governments and larger institutions (national or international) in spine-related healthcare and prevention.
for the prevention of spinal disorders e.g. exercise and education.
Stimulate innovation
to promote spine health.
Advance spine research
through advocacy for funding to improve our ability to care for patients.
Facilitate access to spine
care and treatment to improve function and decrease disability of spine patients.

The recommendations of the first 3 Summits can be found on the SPINE20 website spine20.org

This year’s SPINE20 initiative was chaired by Dr HS Chhabra, Chief of Spine and Rehabilitation Services, Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute. Seven domains were covered including one on Implementation. Three observers from consumer groups participated in the weekly online discussions from January to July 2023 and the Summit in August; these were Dr Ketna Mehta (Nina Foundation), Mr Nishad Kassim (APD) and Dr Komal Kamra (The Spinal Foundation).

The recommendations submitted to the G20 Sherpa, Sh Amitabh Kant, are as follows:

  •  establish, prioritize and implement accessible National Spine Care Programs to improve spine care and health outcomes. (Domain: Implementation of recommendation)
  • eliminate structural barriers to accessing timely rehabilitation for spinal disorders to reduce poverty. (Domain: Spinal disability and poverty)
  • implement cost-effective, evidence-based practice for digital transformation in spine care, to deliver self-management and prevention, evaluate practice and measure outcomes. (Domain: Digital spine care)
  • monitor and reduce safety lapses in primary care including missed diagnoses of serious spine pathologies and risk factors for spinal disability and chronicity. (Domain: Patient safety)
  • develop, implement and evaluate standardization processes for spine care delivery systems tailored to individual and population health needs. (Domains: Economy)
  • ensure accessible and affordable quality care to persons with spine disorders, injuries and related disabilities throughout the lifespan. (Domain: Social Determinants)
  • promote and facilitate healthy lifestyle choices (including physical activity, nutrition, smoking cessation) to improve spine wellness and health. (Domain: Healthy spine and LiFE)

A screenshot of the first page of the recommendations document is as follows:

A research paper submitted to The Brain and Spine Journal has since been accepted for publication!

The Summit held in New Delhi has several prominent speakers and several panel discussions. Noteworthy was the keynote addresses by Alexandra Rauch (WHO) and Sh Amitabh Kant (G20 Sherpa, 2023). Members of the TSF who attended the Summit were:

Mr Shivjeet Singh Raghav, Ms Chandra Rama Rao, Dr Komal Kamra, Mr Ajeet Singh, Mr Adeep Jain, Mr Nikhil K Gupta, Mr Eishan Agarwal, Mr Shishir Bhatnagar, Ms Disha Jain

The most significant outcome for the end users is that a draft National Spine Care Program has been discussed with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, for further action.

Report prepared on 16.10.2023
डॉ.कोमल कामरा

For more, please visit the spine20.org website

Some photographs of the Summit:

Stage Setup
Dr. HS Chhabra, Chair, SPINE20
Dr M Nordin, Speaker, SPINE20
Sh Amitabh Kant, Sherpa G20
Some Commeittee Members and Speakers
The Finale
TSF members with Committee Members, SPINE20, 2023

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