Karnataka Rajya Bennuhuri Apagatada Angavikalara Sanga (KRBAAS)

Karnataka Rajya Bennuhuri Apagatada Angavikalara Sanga (KRBAAS) is a non-profit the organization was established in 2008 by people affected with Spinal Cord Injury. Primary focus of KRBAAS is to support a person affected with spinal cord injury. It is one of the four organizations in Karnataka that works in the area of spinal cord injury. KRBAAS has the expertise and experience in providing in-house rehabilitation using specially designed equipment. KRBAAS is located in Magadi, Ramanagara district, and is currently working in 5 districts of Karnataka – Ramanagara, Mandya, Mysuru, Hassan, and Chamarajanagara.

Major challenges faced by spinal cord injured persons are Loss of livelihood and sudden financial burdens if the injured is the only bread earner, health issues like bedsore, restricted mobility and Psychological issues. Family of the injured also faces crisis due to lack of earning and societal bias.

In order to support the persons with spinal cord injury (PWSCI) KRBAAS does the following intervention at two levels:

  1. Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Centre (SRC-Institution): Established in the year 2012, a total of 240 beneficiaries were provided with the following services.
    a. Medical assessment and Physiotherapy
    b. Individual and Family counselling.
    c. Develop the Activities of daily living skills (ADLS)
    d. Management of Primary and Secondary complications.
    e. Provide suitable mobility Aids.
    f. Livelihood training
  2. Community based Rehabilitation Centre (CBR): Initiated in the year 2010, a total of 1203 beneficiaries have been reached under this program. Major activities carried out are:
    a. Identification of beneficiaries and conducting assessment
    b. Referring to SRC if needed
    c. Regular home visits to PWSCI for supporting them with Government
    schemes, providing medical aid for bedsores
    d. Follow up of beneficiaries
    e. Organize awareness camps and medical intervention camps
    f. Conducting sensitization trainings for students, NGOs, Integrated Child
    Development Scheme (ICDS) workers and workers
    g. Building PWSCI friendly toilets
    h. Advocacy with government for rights of PWSCI

KRBAAS is a pioneer in distribution of medical kits for spinal cord disabled persons across Karnataka with Government support. So far, 380 such medical Aids are distributed.

KRBAAS through its director representing in Access audit committee that looks into issues of convenience for disabled people in Namma metro of Bangalore.

The Association of People with Disability (APD) is the major donor of KRBAAS. Current operation annual budget of KRBAAS is 27 lakhs per annum.

KRBAAS’s board consists of 7 PWSCI. Mr. Seetaram, President is a prominent sports person represented India in wheelchair tennis.

KRBAAS received 2 state awards from Govt. of Karnataka

Contact Person: Mr.Nagendra Kumar B N