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Spinal cord injury leads to a permanent disability affecting the functioning of multiple organ systems. With no cure to date, the way to live well with a spinal cord injury is holistic rehabilitation and life-long care. Less than 10 % people with spinal cord injury get proper rehabilitation.

There are several organizations in India working in the spinal cord injury space; while some impart holistic rehabilitation, others cater to some ways to empower persons with spinal cord injury and live a life of good health and dignity. Most of them are region-specific.

The Spinal Foundation (TSF) was set up in 2014 as an umbrella organization aiming to provide for networking among these organisations. This segment of the website endeavours to give a brief introduction about each of these organisations as penned down by the key person / persons who run the various programs envisioned in their charter. TSF strives to bring persons with spinal cord injury and these organisations together so that they get the best needed to live well with their spinal cord injury.