She Hope Society Ganderbal

HOPE DISABILITY CENTRE (HDC)-an undertaking of SHE HOPE SOCIETY FOR WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS duly registered under the Societies Act VI of 1998 (1941 A.D) is a non-profit, non-political, non-government non-religious organization working in the remote, border and disaster prone areas of Jammu and Kashmir on Physical Rehabilitation, Livelihood, Inclusive Education, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Public Health, Skill Development for Vulnerable population including people with disabilities since 2001 through Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR), Institutional Based Rehabilitation (IBR) programs/approach in close coordination with the State Administration.

Apart from rehabilitation, Hope has connected women with disabilities with livelihood programs for their empowerment and economic independence. It has linked hundreds of women with different welfare schemes of the Jammu and Kashmir government.

HDC has made a difference to the lives of lot children by being behind their inclusive education.  These children are getting schooled in age appropriate schools alongside non-disabled children.

Hope Disability Centre has been carrying out humanitarian work in the state of Jammu and Kashmir under various projects with people with disabilities.

We have over the years rehabilitated a large number of patients with spinal cord injury from our intervention areas which covers five major districts of Jammu and Kashmir.

We provide them comprehensive treatment comprising physiotherapy and orthotic support and try and ensure that they have fully functional and independent lives.

Apart from rehabilitation our vision five years down the line will be to emphasize on creating sustainability opportunities for such people by either imparting them skills that are in demand in the market or help them setup their own small business ventures. 

We also want to explore other thematic areas in social work to reach out to more marginalized sections of the society.

Contact Person: Samivani