Spinal Cord Injury Association

SCIA is an organisation by the Persons with Spinal Cord Injury for  The Persons with Spinal Cord Injury.

It started as a Self Help Group and evolved into an Association.

Over a period of time SCIA developed its ideology to create more and more peer Counsellors who can counsel persons with spinal cord injury in their Surroundings.

As it was not possible to trace all persons with spinal cord injuries across India. But every person is in touch with few in their surroundings so the mentoring system was developed.

For that State & National level conferences were organised, it helped a lot in gathering persons with injuries from different parts of India. They came to the conference met other friends with spinal cord injuries and mutually learned a lot from each other.

The main motive of the Spinal Cord Injury Association is to serve as a comprehensive resource organisation for individuals who have been personally affected by Spinal Cord Injury, those working in related fields, and other interested persons. The mission also includes working to prevent new injuries from happening.


1.Tracing people suffering from Spinal Cord Injury.

2.Donate Active Wheelchairs to make them mobile and live Life Independently.

3.Counselling them to go for rehabilitation for Independent Living.

4.Vocational training to make them Financially Independent.

5. Getting them free education in best universities across india, till date 6 batches are enrolled both of n campus and under distance education programs.

6. Once financially strong and independent, Motivate people with Spinal Cord Injury to go for Marriage, and be an integral part of Society.

Contact Person: Parvinder Singh