The Association of People with Disability (APD)

The Centre for Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation & Research

APD, a not-for-profit NGO registered in 1959, in Bengaluru, Karnataka has been continuously evolved and innovated to align with a vision “Equality, Dignity, and Justice for People with Disability (PwD)”. APD aims to empower persons with disabilities to become active, contributing members of society. Guided by the E3 philosophy “Enable, Equip, Empower” APD follows the comprehensive WHO Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) matrix model and a life cycle approach covering all age groups and multiple conditions of disabilities.

Currently, we reached out with direct service to around 30,000 people with disabilities and have done capacity building and sensitization for 28000 people in 2019-20. APD is focused on building an eco-system by enhancing the capacities of NGO partners, government officials, caregivers, and other stakeholders.

Vision: A world where Equity, Dignity, and Justice are assured for People with disabilities.

Mission: Nurture an inclusive ecosystem and empower people with disabilities with access to comprehensive rehabilitation services, rights, entitlements, equal opportunities, and dignity through a lifecycle approach.

SCIR Program

APD initiated an SCI rehabilitation programme in 2001 for persons with spinal cord injury. APD follows a WHO recognized community-based rehabilitation model having both a centre and an outreach programme that reaches out to socio-economically challenged people with Spinal Cord Injury. Today, APD is a pioneer organisation in Karnataka that has both an institutional and a community-based programme that reaches out to socio-economically challenged people with SCI. The program uniquely combines physical, social, psychologic,al and vocational rehabilitation to ensures community reintegration for PwSCI. APD has rehabilitated more than 3500 PwSCIs since its inception.

Cot to Community Approach

Contact Person: Mr.Nishad Kassim